Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Classmates who have not updated their contact information since 2008 reunion...

Andrews/Mixdorf, Tracy
Banks, Chad
Bartling, Brad
Bates, Becky
Bredlow/Zimmerman, Julie
Brood, Stacy
Buchan, Brad
Buehler, Andy
Clark, Aaron
Clark/Weinschenk, Jennifer M.
Clay, David
Cookman, Todd
Datema, Denise
Davis, Jason
Davis/Tannenbaum, Jennifer
Donaghy/Goodale, Tami
Dorenkamp, Steve
Friest, Jennifer
Garlock/MacDonald, Aprile
Garrington/Pinheiro, Monique
Golien/Cookman, Michaela
Goslin, Mark
Hanf, Colby
Hansen, David
Hickman, Shannon
Huey, Dustin
Humberg, Todd
Kienast, Kurt
Leasure/Holstad, Mary
Lee/Onken, Dendra
Lewerke, Todd
Louk, Jeff
MacDonald, Charlie
Madson, Kory
Mastre, Brian
McClelland/Huey, Shannon
McMannes/Groholski, Jenni
Meyers, Mick
Mindrup/Weaver, Laura
Moeller/Wood, Stephanie
Mrosko, Mike
Mullan/Nomack, Tami
Myers/Chizek, Becky
Myhre, Chad
Nueberger, Neal
Peterson, Toni
Price, Kip
Price/Kessler, Lori
Punke, Chris
Roberts, Mike
Rogers, Kathrine
Ruppert, Judd
Sheridan, Chad
Sonksen, Troy
Sparks, Todd
Stykel, Audrey
Tageson, Marty
Taylor/Short, Amy
TenHaken, Nathan
Voelz/Bender, Marge
West, Chris
Wubben, Dale

I will mail invitations to the address they have on file, but if anyone knows if these classmates have moved in the past 5 years and wants to get the invitation sent to their correct address, please email me their information at Shortarmguy@aol.com

Classmates I have No Contact Info On File for...

Anderson, Michelle
Ball, Sara
Benner, Brian
Beresford, Darrell
Brown, Jeff
Clark/Murray, Jennifer A.
Dankle/Hull, Cara
Eichmann, Mike
Hansen, Chris
Harris, Corbin
Herker, Rene
Kashina, Lam
Khing, Cam Lai
Klein, Ross
Le, Hai Chi
Le, Nhan
Maben, Shannon
Malli, Suzie
Miller, Blake
Nichols/Hepperly, Angel
Nuehring, Mary
Osburn, Bill
Pham, Loan
Samford, Sean
Smith, Brad
Sokol/Morkel, Gina
Warrington, Angie
Ahrens, Matt

If you know how to contact any of these classmates, please email me their information at Shortarmguy@aol.com

Invitation for the CLHS Class of 1988 25th Reunion

Please join your classmates and friends as the
Clear Lake High School Class of 1988

Celebrates our 25-year High School Reunion

Friday, July 5

Lady of the Lake 1:00PM

Family members welcome! $12 for adults. $6 for kids 12 and under. 2 and under are free. Reservations held on a first come first served basis. Cash paid directly to Lady of the Lake upon arrival.  Final numbers are due by June 15. Email Todd if you want to reserve some spots for you and your family.
Socializing and Drinks 7:00 p.m.
Rookies Upstairs Bar

Saturday, July 6

Oak Hills Golf Course  9:00am – 1:00pm
Family Golf Event and 4 Person Best Ball Tournament
***Teams will be randomly selected for tournament from classmates that want to participate.

Cocktails 6:00 p.m., Dinner 7:00 p.m.
The Ballroom at P.M. Park
Clear Lake
  Price per adult $25
Please reply via the enclosed form by June 23, 2013
Check Facebook.com/CLHSClassof1988 or the blog at http://clhs1988.blogspot.com for additional information

CLHS Class of 1988
25-Year Reunion Information & Registration Form

Please send completed form along with $25 for each adult attending to:

            Todd Swank                                     
            Email for address                              

*Make check payable to Todd Swank
*Please return form even if you cannot attend
*Email Todd if you want to reserve spots on Lady of the Lake
*Please reply by June 23, 2013
*Email Todd if you want to participate in the Golf Event           
The Basics
Your Name (current and previous)                                                                         

Mailing Address                                                                                                    


Home Phone                                                         Cell                                         

Email Address                                                                                                      

Number of adults attending                   On Facebook?__   _

The More Interesting Stuff

Spouse/Partner Name if applicable                                                                        

Childrens’ names & ages if applicable                                                                   


Your occupation                                                                                                    
Highlights of what the heck you’ve been doing the past 25 years – Write on back.

Fondest Memory of High School – Write on back.

Goals before the next reunion – Write on back.

Check Facebook, blog, or email shortarmguy@aol.com

CLHS 1988 Class Members --- Please Update Your Contact Info Here

Please add your latest contact information to this web form. 

I plan on sending our reunion invitations in May and want to make sure I have everyone's current information. 

If you could please pass this on to anyone else in our class that you know, I'd appreciate it. 

Thanks! Todd Swank


Email me at Shortarmguy@aol.com with any questions